torsdag 27. august 2009

News 27.08.2009

Flames Of War
The Flames Of War and Battlefront Miniatures website.
Last Updated On Thursday, 27 August 2009
New to Flames Of War?
Want to find out more? Pack up your old kit bag; you’re going to Boot Camp!
For the third week in a row we have new releases. Last week we took at look at all of them.
Available in Stores 29 August
FW105 North Africa (Hardback)
Available from our Website 29 August
BB109 Africa Sandbag Entrenchments
BB505 Africa Hill, Large
BB506 Africa Hill, Two Part
BB504 Africa Hills, Small
Direct Exclusive…
We also look more deeply into North Africa with Phillip’s design notes. To accompany the release of this great new compilation we also have two history articles on some of the units featured in the book.
British armoured cars in North Africa
Battlefront is also pleased to announce that due to some changes in the way that the team at Gale Force Nine make our token sets, we are going to be in a position to make some limited production runs of a wider range of tokens than ever before. This means you will finally be able to get sets for your specific division or unit, assuming there are a few other like-minded people out there! We have started a thread on our forum where we would like you to post the specific units or token designs you would like to be able to buy. We will leave this up for a few weeks before we compile the list and put up a poll, the four with the most votes will be designed and go into production as soon as possible. Our plan would to be to revisit the list every couple of months and do the next batch of four or five sets! Check out the thread for more information.
Token's for your favourite division or nation...
Blake’s Gallery Tip of the Week

3rd SS Tigers (GBX15) w/Assembly and Painting Guide...
North Africa North Africa Design Notes
Our latest book, North Africa, is in a sense also one of our oldest books. Phil take a look what's inside and the changes and updates made to mid war forces in Africa and the Mediterranean.

North Africa Design Notes...
North Africa
Finns in the Lapin Sota (Under Review)
Intelligence Briefing for Finnish Forces Facing the Germans in the Lapland War 1944 to 1945.

Finns in the Lapin Sota Intelligence Briefing...
Lapin Sota History...
Lapin Sota
Durham Light Infantry DURHAM LIGHT INFANTRY 1942-43
Paul Goldstone looks at the actions of “B” Company, 9th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry in North Africa and Sicily, 1942-1943.

The British Durham Light Infantry 1942-43...
A Brief History of the Deutsches Afrikakorps
We take a look at the history of the Deutsches Afrikakorps (DAK) in North Africa.

A Brief History of the Deutsches Afrikakorps...
Afrika cuff title
Soviet Light Self-propelled Artillery Regiment Soviet Light Self-propelled Artillery Regiment
The Soviet SU76M force has now completed review and moves to the Official 1944-45 tab of the Briefings section.

Soviet Light Self-propelled Artillery Regiment goes Official...
Making The Most Of Your Tournament Experience

Chris shares his thoughts on making the most out of your tournament experience.

Making The Most Of Your Tournament Experience…

Tournament News
Tumult: Flames Of War
Tumult: Flames Of War is being held on the 7th and 8th November 2009 in Cammerary, Australia.

Tumult: Flames Of War…
Flames Of War At Old Glory World Wargames
A Mid-War Flames Of War Event is featured at Old Glory World Wargames, held on the 3rd and 4th October in Derby, UK.

Flames Of War At Old Glory World Wargames…
Mid-War Africa Escalation League
The Dragon's Hoard is hosting a Flames of War Escalation League beginning on the 26 September.

Mid-War Africa Escalation League…
Flames Of War Tournament SebastiĆ  Ferrer Palma de Mallorca
The Desperta Ferro Gaming Club invites you to a Flames Of War event.

SebastiĆ  Ferrer Palma de Mallorca…
Flames Of War At Colours 2009
Flames Of War is featured at Colours 2009, held on the 12-13 September in the UK.

Flames of War At Colours 2009...
WCP FOW 2009 "The Cauldron"
We are pleased to announce that the WCP Club will be once again holding its a Flames Of War tournament. The WCP FOW 2009 "The Cauldron" will be held on 24 and 25 October 2009 in Vancouver, Canada.

WCP FOW 2009 "The Cauldron"...
Total War at Gioca Padova 2009
The Overlord Club is hosting a Total War event at Gioca Padova 2009 on 6 September 2009...

Total War at Gioca Padova 2009...
Rommel: The Full Monty
The Flames Of War tournament at Unicon 2009. Unicon 2009 is a general games convention held in Melbourne over the weekend of October 3-4, 2009. This Flames of War tournament is one of many events at the convention.

Rommel: The Full Monty...

Mid War Monsters Event
For the month of August our US team have retailers in the US and Canada running a series of events promoting the use of Mid War Monsters.

Mid War Monsters Event...
Childs Play 2009
Childs Play 09 "Beast from the East" will be held over Saturday 7 November and Sunday 8 November 2009. Venue is the Davy's Sporting Club, Sheffield.

Childs Play 2009…
New Zealand Late War Tournament
Battlefront Miniatures Presents New Zealand’s Late War Grand Tournament, a Two-day event Saturday 24 & Sunday 25 October 2009.

NZ Late War GT…
Fall Recruits 09
Market Garden 65 is the Fall Recruits 09 Flames Of War tournament. It is themed to the Market Garden battle in celebration of the 65th anniversary of the event.

Fall Recruits 09...
For More Events...
Flames Of War in other languages...

US Nationals event notices Battlefront USA Events...

Recent Articles:
Basing British Rifle Platoons for North Africa…
Pulawy Scenario…
Guns of August 2009 Report…
Origins 2009 Report…
Mid-war Anti-tiger Tactics…
Mid-war Tiger Tactics…
Matt Parkes’s Sturmtiger Diorama…
Estonian 20. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadierdivision Briefing goes Official...
Download the Firestorm-Bagration terrain guide…
Sandomierz Scenario...
Download the Total War rules…
Mid-War Monsters Battle Report…
Chris at Panzerschreck 2009…
Ken's Sperrverband At Panzerscreck VIII 2009... 
Tigers in the Snow...
Phil's Panzerschreck VIII Journal...
Wolomin Scenario...
Making Marshes... 
Panzerschreck VIII 2009 Results...
British Recce Squadron
Rivers in Byelorussia...
Escape from the Gestapo... 
August's New Releases
In Shops 15 August
MM04 T-14 Assault Tank (x3)
MM12 Panzer I F Light Tank (x5)
MM18 T-43 Medium Tank (x5)
MM14 Semovente 75/34 self-propelled gun (x5)
In Shops 22 August
MM08 Tiger (P) Heavy Tank (x2)
MM11 8.8cm FlaK18 SFL Tank-hunter (x2)
MM01 TOG2 Heavy Tank (x3)
MM06 M27 Medium Tank (x5)
MM17 IS-85 Heavy Tank (x5)
In Shops 29 August
FW105 North Africa (Hardback)

Available from our Website 29 August
BB109 Africa Sandbag Entrenchments
BB505 Africa Hill, Large
BB506 Africa Hill, Two Part
BB504 Africa Hills, Small
Wayne, Blake & Mike
For product enquiries:
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